PRIVACY POLICY Ah you see I do have a policy. I blog about anything I want. I credit all my sources (please do credit me
if any of my posts are original). Below you will read a brief blog about what happened to me when someone hacked my blog and
FUCKED SHIT UP! Oh well That was then this is now. That's my policy.

The requested URL was not found on the server. Please visit the Blogger Homepage or the Blogger Knowledge Base for further assistance."
This is the message I received when I tried to view my blog today. I think I am a victim of a hacker. I've shut down my own blog twice already because other things kept on coming up and I didn't have time for my blog. So I got rid of it. Now that I've decided to keep my blog no matter what.. It gets hacked. This is a screen shot of the
error message.
I then made a second blog with the exact same name and only one of them works... As you can

see I had posted my 101
th post. Now they are all gone, but if you have any question on my old blogs I will bring them back up.
Here is another screen shot of the new blogs. I think this is more encouraging for me to post more often. Or post a couple times and make them really good.