Rumor has it that Joseph Gordon Levitt star of
500 Days of Summer has been asked by Christopher Nolan to play the new
Joker in his next Batman movie. Joseph Gordon Levitt has yet to give Nolan an answer. I read this and I couldn't believe it! I was shocked! Its gonna be sweet when someone looks this up and quotes me on it and gets in trouble for making such a claim. I made this up. My motive for making this up was because I really think Heath Ledger and Joseph Gordon Levitt look a like. Here are the facts!
1. They both have small eyes. o_o
2. They also have similar hair, not straight but kinda curly.
3. They kinda have similar jaw structures and cheek bones.
4. Finally uhh they both have similar smiles.
I really think Joseph Gordon Levitt has the ability to play a potential Joker in the future. That is if Nolan wanted to introduce him again. This is just wishful thinking. Perhaps there is some unknown actor out there who sounds and looks just Heath Ledger? I dunno... what do you all think?